Industrial Designs

An industrial design is the outward visible appearance of the whole or part of a product resulting from the specific features thereof, such as the lines, shape, colour etc.

The main conditions for protecting an industrial design are that it is “new”, in other words, that no identical design or model has been made available to the public, and that it is of an «individual character”, in that it creates a unique impression on an informed user in relation to any other design.

The product categories for which protection may be requested cover a wide range, such as clothing and footwear, devices and machinery, foodstuffs, furnishings, interior design items, jewellery, packaging, textiles etc. A detailed list of products for which protection may be requested is shown in the classification of the Locarno Agreement.

We provide all the necessary services related to the drafting and filing of National Industrial Design applications in Greece and abroad.

With regard to Greece, the procedure for obtaining an Industrial Design certificate includes:

  • The filing of an application
  • A 4-month term from the filing date for any corrections to be made or for providing any missing documents

The exclusive right to an Industrial Design is granted for 25 years from the filing of the application. The rights conferred upon the owner of an Industrial Design are acquired and remain in effect subject to the payment of renewal fees, once every five years, starting from year 5 onwards.

We also provide all the necessary services related to the drafting and/or filing of International and Community Industrial Design applications through the Greek Patent Office or directly with WIPO and OAMI.